Allowing Others to Grow and Evolve

Every one of us is experiencing personal growth and evolution in some form right now. Just take a look at social media. You will see posts from people expressing how they are loving and taking care of themselves, what they will and will no longer accept in their lives, how they are healing from childhood... Continue Reading →

Monday Mantra-I AM

As you begin your week, there may or may not be challenges that present themselves. I hope that you will remember that challenges are really opportunities, opportunities for your expansion, growth, and evolution. I hope that as you move through your week, you will operate in and remember that your I AM'ness is greater than... Continue Reading →

I Receive As Easily As I Give

If you're anything like most human beings, you are easily able to give to others. Whether it be your time, helping a friend, giving money, a thoughtful gift, cooking them a meal, or even a word of encouragement, you give of yourself freely. But allowing yourself to receive these same gifts from others may not... Continue Reading →

Monday Mantra: Right Where I’m Supposed to Be

No matter where you are at in your life right now, no matter what you are experiencing, no matter the "challenges," please know that everything you are experiencing is here for your personal growth and evolution. Nothing has come to hurt you, it has come to help you evolve, develop, and grow. Embrace the space... Continue Reading →

Monday Mantra

Grace: "The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred." It costs us nothing to extend grace to ourselves and others except our ego. May you live in a state of grace today and always. In luv and Dessert, Leisa Monique

Monday Mantra

If you have followed this blog for any length of time you know that here at #EMDF we embrace Monday and use the day to create a magnificent day and week. if you are new to the EMDF family I hope you, too will embrace Monday and use it to set the tone for the... Continue Reading →

Magnificent Monday:Celebrating National Dessert (Mon)Day

National Dessert Day happens to fall on my favorite day of the week: Monday. Couple this with the Full Moon in Aries and I'm in my happy place. Here at EMDF we believe that Monday, the start of the week for many, is a great day to set the tone for the rest of your... Continue Reading →

Cherish The Day, Cherish your-SELF

Good morning Desserters! It's a most fabulous Friday and although there have been some growth opportunities disguised as challenges (this was a tough week) it was a great week! I experiences some frustrations and shed some tears but when it was all said and done I know that everything I experienced was for my good.... Continue Reading →

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