Allowing Others to Grow and Evolve

Every one of us is experiencing personal growth and evolution in some form right now. Just take a look at social media. You will see posts from people expressing how they are loving and taking care of themselves, what they will and will no longer accept in their lives, how they are healing from childhood... Continue Reading →

Monday Mantra-I Release The Story

Who would you be without the story that you have told yourself about yourself? Something that we all need in life is to feel significant and valuable. The world doesn't always give us that. Often, we use the circumstances of our lives to create stories about ourselves. So often, these are stories of overcoming. We... Continue Reading →

Monday Mantra: Right Where I’m Supposed to Be

No matter where you are at in your life right now, no matter what you are experiencing, no matter the "challenges," please know that everything you are experiencing is here for your personal growth and evolution. Nothing has come to hurt you, it has come to help you evolve, develop, and grow. Embrace the space... Continue Reading →

Monday Mantra

If you have followed this blog for any length of time you know that here at #EMDF we embrace Monday and use the day to create a magnificent day and week. if you are new to the EMDF family I hope you, too will embrace Monday and use it to set the tone for the... Continue Reading →

When the Teacher is Ready…

We have all heard it said that when the student is ready the teacher shows up. I was in a conversation recently with my BFF Sandra Dee and I was sharing with her all of the opportunities that I have been getting to be a panelist and speaker for various events. There have even been... Continue Reading →

Thank YOU

When was the last time you told your SELF Thank You? As you've thanked everyone for helping you, encouraging you and supporting you, have you thanked your SELF? It is easy to overlook the very person who dreams, who perseveres, who tries time and time again even when they fail. The person who gets up... Continue Reading →

YOU are God

I saw a post recently that said, "God will make a way." So many of us have been conditioned to believe that the entity that we call God is something outside of ourselves. That's the kind of world we live in, where we are taught that we are separate from each other and from Spirit... Continue Reading →

Have a Wonder-Filled Day Luving Your SELF First!

In honor of Valentines Day, I am reposting one of my favorite blog posts that I wrote some years ago. I find that it is as relevant today as it was when I first wrote it. Enjoy.  “Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within... Continue Reading →

Did you choose you or did someone else tell you who to be?

Did you as a woman have a say in setting the standard for who you are as a woman or did you fall in line with what was dictated to you? Do you sit quietly when you really have the desire to roar because you have been told that a lady is not loud?

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