Monday Mantra: Right Where I’m Supposed to Be

No matter where you are at in your life right now, no matter what you are experiencing, no matter the "challenges," please know that everything you are experiencing is here for your personal growth and evolution. Nothing has come to hurt you, it has come to help you evolve, develop, and grow. Embrace the space... Continue Reading →

Magnificent Monday-fighting Your Crazy

I came across this clip from the most unlikeliest of places-the television show Divorce Court. This is unlikely because it's a rare day that I watch television and when I do it's even more rare that I watch court shows. But a friend posted this and it reminded me of some of what we talk... Continue Reading →

Fear and Personal Responsibility

Wow, I can hardly believe that I just posted my very first video on YouTube and I feel pretty good about it. About the video, yes, but more about taking personal responsibility and finally working through the fear that I felt about posting videos. I have my 12 year old fearless daughter to thank for... Continue Reading →

Eat My Dessert First Intro and Personal Responsibility

Oh my goodness!! I FINALLY published my first video! At the urging of  advisors and close friends, I finally decided to make a video and actually post it. Y'all, this was a grueling process! I can see why some people avoid making and posting videos; it took forever to post!To be honest with you, this... Continue Reading →

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