Allowing Others to Grow and Evolve

Every one of us is experiencing personal growth and evolution in some form right now. Just take a look at social media. You will see posts from people expressing how they are loving and taking care of themselves, what they will and will no longer accept in their lives, how they are healing from childhood... Continue Reading →

When the Teacher is Ready…

We have all heard it said that when the student is ready the teacher shows up. I was in a conversation recently with my BFF Sandra Dee and I was sharing with her all of the opportunities that I have been getting to be a panelist and speaker for various events. There have even been... Continue Reading →


What if, just for today, you let go of the need to know everything happening in your life?! What if, just for today, you released your idea of how things should be and accepted things just as they are, as they unfold right before your eyes?! What if you didn't try to solve every "problem"... Continue Reading →


As I sit here and watch the sun rising I realize that at this moment, there is no place that I'd rather be! There is nothing that I'd rather be doing but sitting here in the stillness of the early morning marveling at the purplish, blue sky that is reminding me of the intelligence of... Continue Reading →

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