Repost-A Mother’s Vision

When I was a little girl my mother shared a story with me that forever impacted my life. It is a story that she still tells me to this very day and it is a story that I refer to whenever I am experiencing challenges in my life and when I have been tempted to throw in the towel.

She tells me that one day when I was a  baby she was at the train station waiting to board a train from San Bernardino to Los Angeles. She was holding me in her arms enjoying her day and an old lady walked past her. She said that as the lady passed her she stopped and turned around and walked over to where my young mother was sitting holding me. She smiled at my mother and said “That is a very special baby that you have. She is going to do great things in her life!” My mother smiled back and said “thank you” and the lady continued on her way.
There have been times in my life when I have faced what seemed to be insurmountable challenges none of which I will go into in this post. But during those times I would always remember my mothers words to me about what the lady shared with her about my life. Throughout my life my mother instinctively knew when I was experiencing those challenges and  needed to hear that story. She would always call me and tell it to me all over again as if for the first time. It has gotten me through some pretty rough times and continues to drive me even today. 
I am grateful that my mother has held that vision for me all these years and she continues to do so. I don’t even think she knows how much of an impact that it has had on my life all these years. 
To all of the mothers that are holding a vision of greatness for your children keep holding that vision for your children! Tell it to them often and let them know that they are destined to do great things. When they find themselves dealing with circumstances that are undesirable they will have their mother’s vision to fall back on and remind them to keep moving forward. 
I don’t know how I would have gotten through the rough times in my life had it not been for my mother’s luv and her continuing to tell me that story.  The beautiful thing is that I will never have to know!
Wishing all of you a very happy Mother’s day! And while you are holding that vision for your children please also remember the vision for your own life! Remember that you too are meant to do great things in this lifetime! Whatever your dream is, whatever your life’s desire is hold on to that dream and don’t let it go! For it was given to you with a purpose! 

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